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            當前位置:單片機教程網 >> MCU設計實例 >> 瀏覽文章


            作者:佚名   來源:本站原創   點擊數:  更新時間:2007年06月14日   【字體:

            介紹了多功能數字鐘的系統設計。系統具有時間設置及顯示、鬧鐘、溫度顯示等功能。系統以 AT89C52為核心,主要進行基于AT89C52低功耗MCU的字符型數字鐘及其系統的研究。系統帶有液晶顯示器,配合按鍵提供友好的用戶界面,操作簡單,同時具有溫度檢測功能,時鐘數據和溫度數據也可通過RS232向上位機傳送。該數字鐘能長期、連續、可靠、穩定的工作;同時還具有體積小、功耗低等特點,便于攜帶,使用方便。系統軟件設計包括單片機計算機兩部分的編程。計算機軟件編程主要實現參數設置、串行口數據接收、指令發送以及數據的顯示和存儲,采用Visual Basic語言編程。單片機軟件編程主要實現鍵盤、液晶顯示、溫度檢測等各模塊的功能,采用C語言編程。該系統通過串行口與計算機通信,計算機給單片機發指令實現數據采集及系統控制,并將數據實時地傳回計算機。
            This paper describes the design of a multi-functiond digital clock system.It as displaying and setting time for clock and alarm,this system has other special features such as temperature measurement and data protection at power faillure.The core part of the system is based on a king of advanced MCU,AT89C52,this system mainly carries on low power consume MCU the character list type the research of the digital clock and its system according to the AT89 C52.The system takes liquid crystal display, matching with a key to provide amity of customer interface, the operation is simple, having the temperature examination function in the meantime, the clock data and  the temperature data can also heading up a machine transmission through aRS232. consecution,credibility,stable work;Still have a physical volume in the meantime small,the power consume a low etc. characteristics, easy to take, the usage convenience.The system software design includes a single slice a plait distance with two parts of machine calculator.The calculator software plait distance mainly carries out a parameter constitution,string to go a people's data to receive,the instruction send out and data of manifestation with saving, the adoption Visual Basic languageplaitdistance.Singlelicethemachinesoftwareplaitdistance,LCDmanifestation,temperature examination each mold of etc. piece, adoption the C language plait distance.
            That system goes and calculator correspondence through a string, the calculator give single slice machine hair the instruction carry out a data to collect and the system control, and is solid the data the ground send back a calculator.
            Key words:digital clock,LCD,Alarm,Temperture displaying
            1.    1數字鐘的研究的背景及意義
            數字鐘是采用數字電路實現對.時,分,秒.數字顯示的計時裝置,廣泛用于個人家庭,車站, 碼頭辦公室等公共場所,成為人們日常生活中不可少的必需品,由于數字集成電路的發展和石英晶體振蕩器的廣泛應用,使得數字鐘的精度,遠遠超過老式鐘表, 鐘表的數字化給人們生產生活帶來了極大的方便,而且大大地擴展了鐘表原先的報時功能。諸如定時自動報警、按時自動打鈴、時間程序自動控制、定時廣播、自動起閉路燈、定時開關烘箱、通斷動力設備、甚至各種定時電氣的自動啟用等,所有這些,都是以鐘表數字化為基礎的。因此,研究數字鐘及擴大其應用,有著非,F實的意義。



